Special Offer

All sign up for the program by September 1, 2013 will receive a 50% discount !


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                    Don’t forgetonly 20 Persons in the whole world will have an exclusive opportunity  to enjoy 6 months                  of extraordinary benefits with  The Dr Dorian Day © Method.


50 OFF_Irfan

True value: PRICELESS

Commercial Price: 1000 EUR per month (or the equvalent value in another currency)

But if you sign up by September 1, 2013 you will receive a 50% discount for your first cycle.



special offerApplications for the first cycle are open until September 22, 2013.

The first world-wide 6-month cycle of the Dr Dorian Day © Method usage begins                   October 1, 2013.


Clients who use the services in the first cycle have the priority in the selection of 20 new clients     in the second cycle, as in all subsequent cycles if they decide to continue.                                      The second cycle begins April 1, 2014.


The seriousness of the registration is confirmed by a EUR 200 deposit                                           (or the equvalent value in another currency)

If the Client withdraws from the program before the beginning, the amount will not be refunded, and if she or he starts with the program, the amount paid is a part of the total amount of the first monthly installment.


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